军事类 公中国人民解放军理工大学概况 普通本科
中国人民解放军陆军工程大学,坐落于江苏南京,隶属中国人民解放军陆军,是人才培养与科学研究并重、工程技术与作战指挥融合的教学研究型综合性大学。 该校以陆军通信兵、工程兵、军械装备等领域为基础,辐射陆军工程保障和新型作战力量全领域,主要承担陆军通信兵、工程兵、无人机、武器装备保障(步兵、炮兵、防空兵等领域)和部分新兴专业军官培养。
Army Engineering University of PLA
Military public general undergraduate course
Army Engineering University of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), located in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, is affiliated to the PLA Army. It is a teaching and research comprehensive university with equal emphasis on talent training and scientific research, and the integration of engineering technology and combat command. Based on the fields of Army Signal Corps, Engineering Corps, Ornery Corps and other fields, the university covers the whole field of Army engineering support and new combat forces. It mainly undertakes the training of Army Signal Corps, Engineering Corps, UAV, Weapon and Equipment Support (infantry, artillery, air defense and other fields) and some newly specialized officers.
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