英文美句 核心词汇 liberty
英文美句 核心词汇 liberty
The right to vote should be a liberty enjoyed by all.
the freedom and the right to do whatever you want without asking permission or being afraid of authority 自由;自由权
Liberty is the freedom to live your life in the way that you want, without interference from other people or the authorities.
a particular legal right 自由;〔某种〕合法权利
Liberty is the freedom to go wherever you want, which you lose when you are a prisoner.
1. take the liberty of doing sth 自作主张做某事
2. be at liberty to do sth 有权做某事;获准做某事 【正式】
3. take liberties with sb/sth 随意改动某物,任意窜改某物
4. at liberty 〔犯人或动物〕不受拘禁的,自由的 【正式】
5. individual / personal liberty 个人自由
6. religious / political / economic liberty 宗教自由 / 政治自由 / 经济自由
7. the fight for liberty and equality
8. threats to individual liberty
9. liberties such as freedom of speech
10. the ideal of equality and the appreciation of liberty
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